His Excellency Sreang Chenda Participated in Roundtable Discussion on “Protection and Advocacy of Human Rights in Cambodia”

His Excellency Sreang Chenda Participated in Roundtable Discussion on “Protection and Advocacy of Human Rights in Cambodia” His Excellency Sreang Chenda Participated in Roundtable Discussion on “Protection and Advocacy of Human Rights in Cambodia”

His Excellency Keo Remy, Senior Minister and President of the Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC), designated His Excellency Sreang Chenda, a member of the CHRC to participate as a speaker in a roundtable discussion on “Protection and Advocacy of Human Rights in Cambodia” at the request of the Director of the Cambodian Institute for Democracy (CID), which took place on 17 June 2024, at Riva Hotel, Sihanoukville. The forum aims to raise youth awareness of fundamental rights and international human rights standards, empower youth to participate in public affairs, and provide a platform for sharing ideas and experiences related to human rights and democracy.

On that occasion, His Excellency Sreang Chenda discussed the fundamental human rights and freedoms, the national and international human rights standards, as well as the principles for implementing or exercising these rights. He also highlighted the Royal Government’s efforts to uphold the principles of democracy and promote and protect human rights, emphasising the role and responsibilities of the CHRC as the Royal Government’s human rights staff.

Finally, after responding to questions from the participants, he requested all of them to conduct further research on national and international human rights principles and norms. Additionally, he stressed that any advocacy for rights and freedoms and the exercise of rights and freedoms had to be done within the legal framework, without infringing on the rights and freedoms of others, security and public order, good traditions and customs of the nation, public health, and other relevant considerations.