CHRC Inspected the Human Rights Situation in Takeo Provincial Prison

CHRC Inspected the Human Rights Situation in Takeo Provincial Prison CHRC Inspected the Human Rights Situation in Takeo Provincial Prison

Takeo Province: On Wednesday, 15 August 2024, HE Senior Minister Keo Remy, President of the Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC), assigned HE Chou Heng, Member and Deputy Director General of the General Department of Investigation and Human Rights Education, representing HE Chham Mari, [CHRC] Vice-President and Director General, to head a CHRC working group to Takeo Provincial Prison for a human rights inspection. The working group met with the 2nd Class Superintendent Kong Sitha, the Director of the prison of Takeo Provincial Prison,  the deputy director, the chief of the specialised office, to introduce the purpose of its visit and to receive a briefing on the situation, management, as well as other information, particularly focusing on the staying conditions of detainees. Subsequently, the working group conducted inspections of each holding cell.

During the visit, the working group delivered 9 types of medications donated by HE Senior Minister Keo Remy for the benefit of the prison’s occupants.