Regional Consultation Workshop to Develop the National Plan on the Prevention and Response to Violence against Children 2024-2028

Regional Consultation Workshop to Develop the National Plan on the Prevention and Response to Violence against Children 2024-2028 Regional Consultation Workshop to Develop the National Plan on the Prevention and Response to Violence against Children 2024-2028

His Excellency Neang Soryda, a member of the Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) and of the Cambodia National Council for Children, participated in Regional Consultation Workshop to Develop the National Plan on the Prevention and Response to Violence against Children 2024-2028 organised by the Cambodia National Council for Children at President Hotel, Battambang province on Friday, 28 June 2024. The workshop was chaired by His Excellency Kim Sovandy, Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Cambodia National Council for Children, representing His Excellency Chea Somethy, Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation and President of the Cambodia National Council for Children, with the participation of representatives from relevant ministries, institutions and some development partner organisations.

The purposes of the workshop are to:
1. review and provide input into the draft National Plan on the Prevention and Response to Violence against Children 2024-2028;
2. share the experience and best practices of relevant ministries and institutions; and
3. […] prevention mechanism, response intervention and preventive affairs and response to violence against children.