His Excellency But Phalla, lead a working group to Tbong Khmum Provincial Prison to investigate the case of detainees

His Excellency But Phalla, lead a working group to Tbong Khmum Provincial Prison to investigate the case of detainees His Excellency But Phalla, lead a working group to Tbong Khmum Provincial Prison to investigate the case of detainees

On Thursday, 27 April 2023, in response to close attention of His Excellency Keo Remy, Minister Delegate attached to the Prime Minister and President of the Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC), His Excellency But Phalla, [CHRC] member and Director of the Department of Investigation, on behalf of Her Excellency Chham Mary, member and Director General of the General Department of Investigation and Human Rights Education, was assigned to lead a working group to Tbong Khmum Provincial Prison to investigate the case of detainees.